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Technological evolution has a huge influence on the property development sector. There’s a new wave of property developers that do things differently and get better results.
Any property developer will tell you that an enormous amount of work goes into what they do. In particular, developers have to carry out a lot of research. That means many hours spent before they even break ground on a project.
They’ll examine a location in depth to understand the site itself. They’ll examine demographics and determine the types of property that people in a location require. Furthermore, they have to look at what the location itself has to offer.
That’s all before they even consider contacting architects and construction crews. In the past, all of this research took a great deal of time.Swiss Replica Watches
But technology has brought about change in the sector. New platforms, such as, bring technology to the fore to help developers make decisions.
Archistar brings together hundreds of property data sets—such as property title information, zoning data, building heights and setbacks, construction cost and sales data—to enable developers to quickly assess the development potential of a property.
Developers can now find potential sites, produce feasibility reports and generate instant architectural designs using generative design techniques. What once took developers weeks can now be done in minutes.
The effects have revolutionised the property landscape, reducing complexity and costs in the approval process for developers and councils.
With this in mind, Archistar in collaboration with The Urban Developer are proud to deliver The Future of Property Development Roadshow in Sydney, Adelaide and Perth.
Get a first look at future technology that connects developers, councils and the community to streamline design exploration, compliance assessment and community engagement. |
State of the Service census lays bare the struggle to transform. Australia’s politicians and senior public servants might be talking-up a raft of new apps and online services as proof of a government well on the road to digital transformation.
But it’s more like a slow, narrow and bumpy goat track according to coal face public servants living the dream.
That’s the unfiltered message emanating from the Australian Public Service’s latest State of the Service report, the bureaucracy’s annual health check-up and self-assessment which reveals just one percent of public servants consider themselves working in “digital” roles despite a top-level push.
The 2018-2019 report finds that while there is solid progress being made, the public service is fast running-up against barriers to progress because of decades of rusted on legacy systems coupled with an enduring skills shortage that is constraining its access to talent.
“Measures are being adopted across the APS to boost digital capability, spearheaded by the government’s digital transformation strategy, but much work remains. APS employee census results show only one percent of respondents self-identify as working in ‘digital’ roles, which includes those in cyber-security,” the State of the Service report says.
“Through the 2019 APS agency survey, agencies across the service reported skills shortages and difficulty recruiting to a range of digital roles. Agencies also reported widespread difficulties accessing specialised learning and development to support upskilling. Expected growth in digital roles, and the increasing requirement for digital capability across various public sector professions, will only compound this issue,” it continues.
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